ASP.NET Core Deep Dive in .NET 9
Deep dive into ASP.NET Core in .NET 9. Learn it inside out. The course is currently in development. New video lectures will be added to the course as they are being recorded.
What is ASP.NET Core
Our first Web App
HTTP Request Syntax
HTTP Request in HttpContext
Query String
HTTP Method Delete
HTTP Request Headers
Refactor our routting code
HTTP Response Syntax
HTTP Response in HttpContext
HTTP Response Status Codes
Assignment 1 - Display a particular employee
Assignment 1 - (Answer) - Display a particular employee
Middleware Pipeline Theory
Use app.Use to create middleware
Use app.Run to create middleware
Useapp.Map to branch the pipeline
Use app.MapWhen to branch the pipeline
Use app.UseWhen to create rejoinable branch
Avoid problems when writing response
Built-in Middleware Components
Custom Middleware Class
Assignment 2 - Custom exception handling middleware
Assignment 2 - (answer) Custom exception handling middleware
Routing in Minimal APIs
Understand Endpoints
Use the routing middleware
404 Not Found Middleware component
Required Route Parameters
Route parameters with default values
Optional Route Parameters
Parameter Constraints
Custom Parameter Constraints
Route to static files
Assignment 3 - Implement CRUD operations with routing
Assignment 3 (Answer) - Implement CRUD operations with routing
What is model binding
Bind to route values
Bind to query string
Bind to http headers
Use AsParameters to group parameters
Bind arrays to query strings or headers
Bind to HTTP Body
Custom binding with BuildAsync method
Binding source priorities
Model Validation
Custom model validation with ValidationAttribute
Assignment 4 - Binding & Validating Registration Info
Assignment 4 (Answer) - Binding & Validating Registration Info
Minimal API return types
Mix and Match Results and TypedResults
The Problem Details standard
Standardize API results
Customize results by implementing IResult
Assignment 5 - Implement CRUD for Employees
Assignment 5 (Answer) - Implement CRUD for Employees