Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. 1. What is Blazor

    3. 2. Choices of Interactivity

    4. 3. Blazor SSR Project Structure

    5. Source Code

    1. 4. Two Types of Components

    2. 5. Razor Syntax Implicit Razor Expression

    3. 6. Razor syntax Explicit Razor Expression

    4. 7. Create a static data repository

    5. 8. Razor Syntax Output list with looping

    6. 9. Assignment 1: Output city buttons list

    7. 10. Assignment 1 Answer

    8. 11. Working with Static Resources

    9. 12. Assignment 2: Create a routable component

    10. 13. Assignment 2: Answer

    11. 14. Route Parameters & Route Contraints

    12. 15. Use OnParametersSet to receive parameter value

    13. 16. Use Form and Input components to display and collect data

    14. 17. Form submission and model binding

    15. 18. Form Validations

    16. 19. Navigation with NavigationManager & Dependency Injection

    17. 20. Assignment 3: Add Server

    18. 21. Assignment 3: Answer

    19. 22. Use EditForm to delete data

    20. 22.5 Stream Rendering

    1. 23. What is interactivity

    2. 24. Use Enhanced Navigation in Blazor SSR for interactivity

    3. 25. Use Enhanced form handling in Blazor SSR for interactivity

    4. 26. What is Server Interactivity

    5. 27. Enable Server Interactivity how to make a component interactive

    6. 28. Interactivity Location

    7. 29. Server Interactivity in Visual Studio project template

    8. .NET 9 Updates: Include SSR in Global Server Interactivity location

    9. 30. Three main aspects of interactive components

    10. 31. Event Handling (Passing Data)

    11. 32. Assignment 4 Highlight current City

    12. 33. Assignment 4 Answer

    13. 34. Update. state variables with Onchange event

    14. 35. Two way data binding

    15. 35.5 Interactive EditForm

    16. 36. Use @key to improve list-rendering performance

    17. 37. Use Virtualization to improve list-rendering performance

    1. 38. Requirement of To do list app

    2. 39. Display a list of tasks use case

    3. 40. Add Task use case

    4. 41. Input task name use case

    5. 42. Mark task as completed use case

    1. 43. Thinking in Components

    2. 44. Extract the ServerList Component

    3. 45. Use Component Parameters to communicate from parent to child components

    4. 46. Assignment 5: Extract the Server Component

    5. 47. Assignment 5: Answer

    6. 48. Extract city components

    7. 49. Use EventCallback to pass info from child to parent components

    8. 50. Assignment 6: Componentize the search bar

    9. 51. Assignment 6: Answer

    10. 52. Reference a child component

    11. 53. Reuse routable component as non-routable component

    12. 54. Use if statement to output data conditionally

    13. 55. Assignment 7: Display people online

    14. 56. Assignment 7: Answer

    15. 57. CSS Isolation

    16. 58. Cascading Parameter theory

    17. 59. Use cascading parameter to pass values down the component tree

    18. 60. Cascading Parameter crossing render mode boundary

    19. 61. Use templated components to create generic components

    20. 62. Typed Templated Component

    21. 63. Use html table in our RepeaterComponent

    22. 64. Using QuickGrid to display our servers

    23. 65. QuickGrid Sorting and Pagination

    24. 66. Use arbitrary attributes to provide flexibility

    1. 67. Componentize the List of Items

    2. 68. Componentize the to do item

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