Course curriculum

    1. CPU, Thread and Thread Scheduler

    2. Basic Syntax to start a thread

    3. Why threading Divide and Conquer

    4. Why threading Offload long running tasks

    5. Reasons for multithreading programming

    6. Assignment 1 (Question): Create a Web Server

    7. Assignment 1 (Answer): Create a Web Server

    1. Threads Synchronization Overview

    2. Critical Section and Atomic Operation

    3. Exclusive Lock

    4. Assignment 2 (Question) - Airplane seats booking system

    5. Assignment 2 (Answer) - Airplane seats booking system

    6. Use Monitor to add timeout for locks

    7. Use Mutex to synchronize across processes

    8. Reader and Writer Lock

    9. Use semaphore to limit number of threads

    10. Use AutoResetEvent for signaling

    11. Use ManualResetEvent to release multiple threads

    12. Assignment 3 - Two way signaling in Producer - Consumer scenario

    13. Assignment 3 (Answer): Two way signaling in Producer - Consumer scenario

    14. Thread Affinity

    15. Thread Safety

    16. Nested locks and deadlock

    1. Debug programs with multiple threads

    2. States of a thread

    3. Make thread wait for some time

    4. Returning results from a thread

    5. Canceling a thread

    6. Thread Pool

    7. Exception handling in threads

    1. Multithreading vs Asynchronous Programming

    2. Basic Syntax of using Task

    3. Task vs Thread

    4. Task uses thread pool by default

    5. Returning result from Task

    6. Assignment 4 (Question) - Returning results from Task

    7. Assignment 4 (Answer) - Returning results from Task

    8. Task Continuation - Wait, WaitAll, Result

    9. Task Continuation - ContinueWith

    10. Task Continuation WhenAll, WhenAny

    11. Task Continuation - Continuation Chain & Unwrap

    12. Exception Handling in Tasks

    13. Tasks synchronization

    14. Task Cancelation

    1. Overview of Async & Await

    2. Basic syntax of Async and Await

    3. Which thread is used

    4. Continuation after returning value

    5. Exception handling with async and await

    6. Await and Synchronization context

    7. What does await do

    1. Parallel Loops Overview and Basic Syntax

    2. What happens behind the scene

    3. Exception handling in parallel loops

    4. Stop

    5. Break

    6. ParallelLoopResult

    7. Cancelation in Parallel Loops

    8. Thread local storage

    9. Performance considerations

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  • 68 lessons
  • 8.5 hours of video content

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